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From FF@Wiki
Revision as of 15:03, 23 March 2018 by WikiSysop (Talk | contribs)

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Welcome to the FF@ Wiki! Please feel free to help us grow this resource. Wikis allow each of you to contribute. Just create a user ID (look in the upper right for the link), create an ID, and have at it!


See the current events page for upcoming conclaves & other gatherings

If you have any questions, email Joel the FF@ Wikimeister

Create a page! Search for a page name like "My great idea for a page", and then click "create this page". Then, your content can be found via the "search" feature in the sidebar (like Wikipedia)...

  • See list of all pages that have been created so far!
  • You can read the Wiki without registering, but you must be a registered user to edit the pages
  • Due to spam, I have had to enable a Captcha for account creation. Email the Wikimeister if you want access and cannot figure this out.
  • Note that there was an issue with spam users for a long time that the WikiMeister unfortunately had not noticed until March 2018. He deleted over 40,000 bogus users and re-enabled the account creation Captcha which had unfortunately stopped working due to a configuration error. As of March 23, 2018, the WikiMeister believes that the spam has been removed, the database cleaned up, and the account creation Captcha is working again