User:Kat cruickshank

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Revision as of 01:27, 25 January 2007 by Kat cruickshank (Talk | contribs) (Kat Cruickshank.)

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Kat.jpg Katsteelsmall.jpgMattnkat.jpg

 at work (2005)                      at play (2007)                  kat and matt (2005)

Kat Cruickshank.

Member of FF@ since Feb. 22, 1997.

This wiki, like its author, is a Stub. (heh heh)

I lived in Toronto, Ontario at the time i joined FF@. I can't remember who first told me about the List but it might have been Stephen Di Cerbo (still one of my best fishing friends, and probably my primary fly-fishing mentor). I now live in Port Alberni, BC (Vancouver Island) after too many years of big cities. I live with Matt McKay, who is also passionate about fishing, gardening and cooking. We both work as government-contracted observers in the commercial fishery. Because of our work schedule and geographical location (most claves take place in northeastern North America) I am less active on FF@ than i used to be.

Favourite summation of fishing ethos: "I just like to look at fish. If I have to catch them to look at 'em, well i guess i'll catch'em" -- Norman T. White. But I also like to cook, eat, smoke, pickle, paint, draw, and make pets out of fish.

Attended several NEC and Lake Placid Claves from 1997 - 2000; also attended the last (?) Damn Yankee Clave in 1998 (?), Big Creek Clave (1999) Hosted "Hardwater" (ice fishing) Flyswap (1998?)and "Anything but the Usual Swap" (2001) Usual swap site (warning: archive of old pages, may contain invalid mailto: links) Participant in three Illustrated Pattern Swaps; designed cover for 4th (?) (i have to go thru my archives)

Favourite dry flies: The Usual, CDC&Elk, Stimulator

Favourite wet fly: Softhackle Prince (personal variant)

Favourite nymph: don't fish nymphs much anymore

Favourite streamers: McLeod Stickleback, Clouser Minnow, Mallard & Silver, Mickey Finn, burgundy wooly bugger

Favourite "other" fly pattern: Glo-bug

I am a founding member of The Coven (FF@ Legends page)

I am somewhat well known for my paintings and drawings of fish, several of which are owned by FF@ members.


Flickr photo site: Roly Poly Fish Heads

more flesh on these bones soon.... still figuring this out.
